Nonprofit Accounting Basics
Example Criteria for Major Decisions: A Strategy Screen
Originally Posted: November 19, 2021
- The proposed action must align with the organization’s core mission.
- The proposed action must serve all or a substantial subset of the organization’s declared constituency and geographic service area.
- Both the benefits and risks, if any, of the decision must be fully understood with regard to:
Current Programs
- The decision must not undermine implementation or quality of current programs.
- The decision must enhance rather than threaten the financial stability of the organization.
- If the action is not within the current budget, a viable funding plan (earned and contributed) must accompany the proposal.
- Unless it is a one-off action, there must be a path to sustainability.
Human Resources
- The decision to implement must not over-burden current staff or result in pulling them away from regular duties. Staff burn-out is to be avoided.
- The impact on staff morale, positive or negative, should be a factor.
- If additional personnel are needed for implementation, this need is included in the proposal and funding plan.
Facility & Equipment
- The decision must take the organization’s current facility limitations into account.
- If additional space is required for implementation, this need is included in the proposal and funding plan.
- If additional equipment or software investments are required for implementation, this need is included in the proposal and funding plan.
Public Perception
- The impact of the decision on public perception of the organization must be positive, or defensible, if not.
- The rationale in favor of the decision must be articulated and communicated to internal and external stakeholders, especially if there may be a negative aspect.
- Are there any legal implications? For example, intellectual property rights (as creator or user), trademark infringement risks, credit/acknowledgments necessary, privacy issues, etc.
Other Criteria, Specific to your Organization
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Decision making policy article
A sample policy is available
Sample decision making procedures